::my dear diary::

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

shocking news!!

waw... a really shocking news in d 1st morning after a full 6 days of painful days...
he's the big boss, but he's going to resign soon... oh no! how come? so many questions hang in my head...
hmm wonder how the changes goin to be, in our next future in this aquarium...
changes... sometimes lead to a better situation or even worst... huhuhu hope not...

despite of his character, the way he lead, he talk, he smile, especially when he's standing in front of the 'meeting merangkap lunch' room... but surely i'm goin to miss all of the memories during his presence...
although it's been only 2 years for me to be under his assignment, but so many ups & downs we (the fishes) 've been thru together...
hmm anyway, GOOD LUCK, SIR... thanx 4 everythin, especially for hiring me that day...hehehe

this story reminds me of another shocking news in last Thursday... slightly related news, about retirement... to be more shockingly, it comes from my relative... his company is having an employee reduction, about 28 employees going to get an early retirement... & one of the factor is his age... a lot of prayers i've said to almighty God, to give whats best for him... luckily i've heard a good news in the next night, he's safe, he'll still struggling in that company, continuing his 26 years dedication... fiuhhh so relieving, thanx God...

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posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 1:02 PM 0 comments

Monday, June 18, 2007

hmm didn't surprised u at all,huh?!

You Are 68% Girly

You're a pretty girly chick, and you're not ashamed to admit it (or wear pink).

But you're also practical. You can hang with the guys, as long as they're not too gross!

Now, How Girly Are You?

You Are A Romantic

You life your life like a fairy tale... or at least you try to.

Living for magical moments, you believe there's only one true love for you.

Love is the most important thing in your life, and you don't take it for granted.

Your perfect match loves to be in love as much as you do!

Are You Romantic or Realistic?


posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 10:22 AM 0 comments

Friday, June 15, 2007

Disney characters

in a one fine day, i catch a glimpse of my childhood memories... it all started when i saw ms.jazzy cat's t-shirt, there's a cute cat in the corner of the shirt, but i forgot from which Disney character is it... then i browse internet, & i found out it's Marie the Cat from Aristocats...

while i was browsing the Disney's website, it reminds me of my fav Disney characters Lady & the Tramp...
This is a Disney love story but in true Walt fashion the story is about two dogs, a rather well breed cocker spaniel named Lady and her street mutt sweetheart Tramp... The charm of this film is this mix of two kinds of puppy love, one our love of adorable dogs and the other our own memories of innocent youthful romance...

the most unforgettable scene in the movie, it's when Lady having a romantic meal for two with Tramp... they're having dinner in a romantic ambiance until they don't realize that they're eating the same spaghetti string, they slowly chew it until they're kissing... and all of the sudden they're blushing... huhuhu so adorably cute...

i always love the Disney characters, kinda miss it...
hmm i'm planning to 'hunt' those vintage Disney movies, hopefully i can find it... maybe buy it in Disc Tara or even rent it in Video Ezzy... wish me luck, okay?!

more about Lady & the Tramp:
* the 1st movie: Lady & the Tramp
* the sequel: Lady & the Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure
* Lady & the Tramp Celebrates its 50th anniversary


posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 3:10 PM 0 comments

Thursday, June 14, 2007

hmmm smells good...

eau de perfume... eau de toilette... eau de cologne... body spray... deodorant... anti-perspirant...

whatever it is u named it... the thing is, i'm so addicted to these fragrance items... i do! rasanya kaya telanjang kalo kluar rumah blom pake salah satu dari item diatas... hehehe extreme amat...
malahan lately semakin menggilai saja produk pewangi ini, mungkin bisa dibilang karna terpengaruh dari lakiku yang ternyata doyan juga wewangian... (kayanya kemakan omongan nich, padahal pernah bersumpah ga bakal pernah naksir pria metroseksual) untungnya masih dalam taraf yang moderate, jadi cukup dibilang dandy or stylish, mungkin kalo pinjam istilah mba nuy lakiku itu pria uberseksual... anyway lakiku itu bukan cuma addict tapi bisa dibilang maniac, gimana engga, biasanya kan orang pake parfum jor-joran itu kalo mo pergi aja ya, tapi kalo lakiku WAJIB pake parfum tiap abis mandi, ga peduli mo pergi apa engga... nah jadilah habit itu tertular pada diriku, sekarang nich kalo tiap abis mandi, mo itu sekedar dirumah aja ato mandi malem (pulang dari bepergian), rasa ga enak kalo ga pake wewangian at least body spray gitu...hehehehe... duh gilee gimana kantong ga jebol buat beli parfum mulu, akhirnya cara mengakalinya adalah parfum original cuma dipake pas kluar rumah aja, nah untuk yang abis mandi doank pake Luhny collection, hahahaha... (mba Nuy jangan lupa promotion fee ya...)

hmm makes me wondering, how does it all started actually?
flash back ahh...

jaman sd
emang dah suka pake wangi2an anak kecil itu yang keluaran Disney, Barbie, dkk... (dah keliatan centilnya ya?!hihihi **wink-wink**)

jaman smp
awal2 pake yang eau de cologne remaja, kaya Sanex, Fa, dkk (lupa apa aja coz semua dicoba, tmasuk salah satu korban iklan), trus baru beralih ke my fav body spray Waterlily by Marks&Spencer...

jaman sma
nah masuk sma baru dech mulai pake EDT, my 1st EDT was Ocean Cool by Marks&Spencer, trus sempet keranjingan pake Oceanus by Body Shop (kebayang ga? jaman itu harganya hanya 25,000 saja, masih ada labelnya tuch)...

jaman kuliah
i'm deeply fallin love with EDT Davidoff Cool Water for Woman... hmm bisa dibilang termasuk addict, coz terbukti dari akhir masa sma, selama jaman kuliah, sampe skarang masih setia dengan wangi yang 1 ini, so fresh! (sampe temen2 sma dah afal tiap terendus wangi Davidoff langsung komen "pasti iNa dech yang pake" hehehe)

masa kini
since banyak bgt yang komen katanya bosen mengendus wangi itu (can u imagine? almost 6years stick to Davidoff, no wonder they get bored)... akhirnya coba beralih ke Secret Wish by Anna Sui, sampe akhirnya dikado temen kantor pas hari ultahku tahun lalu, hehehehe thanx, gals...

basically ku sukaaa banget wangi2an yang segar, lebih suka wangi buah dibanding bunga... no wonder addict banget with citrus scent yang dominan dari Davidoff, right?!... koleksi parfum 'segar' yang pernah kupake (selain yang dah disebut diatas, ntar kalo disebut terus malah dikira iklan, hehehe) White Scent by Marks&Spencer, Isis by Marks&Spencer, Moon Flower by Body Shop, Island Kiss by Escada, Ibiza by Escada...
tapi wangi parfum cowo juga suka, tapi bukan yang nyengat gitu ya... koleksi parfum laki yang pernah kupake tuch Davidoff Game for Man, Acqua di Gio by Giorgio Armani, Happy Clinique for Man...

ohya, fyi aja nich, most of perfume bottles nya dari jaman rikiplik itu masih ada semua lho, hehehe pernah hampir dibuang my maid krn dipikir sekedar botol kosong...(fotonya nyusul yach...)

[scent of the day : Acqua di Gio by Giorgio Armani]


posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 9:02 AM 2 comments

Sunday, June 10, 2007

never push your limit, ok?!

cardio kick... body combat...
basically both are the same workout with the basic of combination martial arts including taichi, karate & kick boxing... it's a non contact, fiercly & energetic hi-impact fitness...
i have joined this class for several times, & i do enjoy it so much... (like i've said before in my previous post) coz it's energetic & makes you sweating a lot... which i really need it, coz since i was in high school i've never been doin any workout at all... anyway by working out you'll feel more fit, right?!...
last Friday i joined this class, it's quite fun coz we have 2 instructors who leads us & they make it like a 'gank war'... they split us into 2 groups & we act like attacking the other group... this time not only the kick & punch thingy, but also lot of jumping... actually the instructor already remind us that we shouldn't push our limit to follow their level if we're not able to do that... but anyhow the ambience gets me into it, i'm too overjoyed...
& now, guess what? i can't even move my leg, it's so damn hurttttt... actually i felt it since yesterday but i ignore it anyway... but since last night i really can't compromize it...i hope it will be better today so tomorrow i can join my last session in this fitness center...
why oh why??? are they right about me? that i'm too girly to do such workout...hixhixhix...


posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 9:38 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

lagu2 menyayat hati...hixhixhix


kurindu disayangi
sepenuh hati
sedalam cintaku
setulus hatiku
kuingin memiliki
kekasih hati
tanpa air mata
tanpa kesalahan
bukan cinta yang melukai diriku

dan meninggalkan hidupku lagi
tolonglah aku
dari kehampaan ini
selamatkan cintaku
dari hancurnya hatiku
hempaskan kesendirian
yang tak pernah berakhir
bebaskan aku
dari keadaan ini
sempurnakan hidupku
dari rapuhnya jiwaku
adakah seseorang
yang melepaskanku dari kesepian ini

back to *

adakah seseorang yang melepaskanku dari kesepian ini


TAPI BUKAN AKU by Kerispatih

Jangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku

Ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka
Tak inginku paksakan cinta ini… ii…
Meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima

Aku memang manusia paling berdosa
Khianati rasa demi keinginan semu
Lebih baik jangan mencintai aku dan semua hatiku
Karena takkan pernah kan kau temu
i cinta sejati…

Berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
Sekalipun aku takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamu
Sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma… aaa…
Serasa ku t’lah mati untuk menyadarinya…

Tapi bukan aku… uo..u…

Semoga saja kan kau dapati hati yang tulus mencintaimu
Tapi bukan aaaakuuuu…


MENGENANGMU by Kerispatih

Takkan pernah habis air mataku
Bila ku ingat tentang dirimu
Mungkin hanya kau yang tahu
Mengapa sampai saat ini ku masih sendiri

Adakah disana kau rindu padaku
Meski kita kini ada di dunia berbeda
Bila masih mungkin waktu berputar
Kan kutunggu dirimu �

Biarlah ku simpan sampai nanti aku kan ada di sana
Tenanglah diriku dalam kedamaian
Ingatlah cintaku kau tak terlihat lagi
Namun cintamu abadi �


Gila nich lagu2 bikin garuk2 tanah, sangat menyayat, mencabik, menusuk hati & sanubari.... pas bgt membuat hari semakin melow jelow di suasana mendung gini...

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posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 11:18 AM 0 comments