::my dear diary::

Monday, May 07, 2007

cardio kick ?!

the background of this story is when i joined the 'cardio kick' class on last wednesday, in the gym that i joined for these entire month every twice a week... & i instantly fallin love with this kind of exercise... coz by doin these punchs & kicks movement, i feel the real impact of doin exercise, makes me sweating, even the moves aren't too various, but it's powerfull... i was so excited & i think i will join this class again next week... but unfortunately coz i don't do exercise that often, then my body can't adapt well with these dynamic movement i made... so for the rest of the day n 2 days after i feel so damn tired, like been beaten by a lot of people...

so the story begin... i was havin another 'saturday ritual' with aykuw, it started early in the morning coz his mom ask me to join doa senakel in St. Ursula chapel, then after that we're goin to Pasar Baroe to do window shopping (niatnya) & lunch mie babi in Bakmi Abun, slurrpppp... then goin back to his home first, & in 7.30 pm we're head into Plaza Senayan to watch 'Nagabonar jadi 2' in their new 21 cinema, so curious coz i heard the cinema is great, & it has 10 cinema... but unluckily they don't play Nagabonar there, hmm it's 08.30 pm, i think we can make it to PIM, so we're goin there... but again, we have to deal with the traffic jam, can u believe it? it tooks almost 1,5 hours from PS to PIM...gosh! when we get there, Nagabonar is already played on 9pm... so we decided just havin dinner together, after havin a delicious Thai cuisine in Jittlada, we're walkin around the mall...

fyi our dress code for that day is casual, we're using shorts & white t-shirt, so comfort... (selanjutnya lebih seru pake mother tongue, lebih expressive, hehehe) nah saking nyamannya & ngeliat suasana mall yang udah sepi, tiba2 terlintas otak jahil untuk mempraktekkan salah satu jurus cardio kick yang kupelajari beberapa hari lalu, yaitu twist kicking... to be noted, i'm using a wedge heel that day (how stupid!)... setelah ambil kuda-kuda kuangkat kaki kananku dengan sok lincahnya & ngincar his ass, tiba2 terjadilah insiden memalukan itu... GUBRAKKKK... in seconds, tubuhku sudah tergelepar di lantai dingin mall kesayangan itu...dengan posisi terlentang miring ke kiri, kaki ngangkang ke atas, lengan kiri menopang tubuh setinggi about 160 cm seberat 50 kg ini (penting ya?!)... gilaaa malunya ampun2an, mana ternyata dibelakang ada orang2 yang ngliat pula... duh aduh...saat itu sakit sich ga seberapa malunya itu lho... kacauuuu...akhirnya langsung pulang & sepanjang perjalanan pulang ga abis2nya diketawain & dibahas trus ma aykuw...puas? puas? puas?
nyampe rumah langsung dioles counterpain & diurut dikit... sepanjang hari minggu jadi ga bisa ngapa2in dech...suakiittt baru brasa banget... tapi karna pikir ga begitu serius jadi ga ditindak lebih serius cuma diolesin balsem dingin... alhasil hari ini juga sampe ga masuk kantor karna mo ke tukang urut profesional skalian biar beres... aihhh gileee SUAKIDD ampun2an, sampe kelojotan, abis itu jadi nguantukk trus bobo... hmm aduh duh akibat niat iseng nich jadi kuwalat... maafkan daku,ay... didn't mean too... hehehehe... saking girangnya dapet jurus baru cardio kick jadi pengen praktekin terus... alhasil minggu ini kayanya ga bisa ikutan kelas kesayangan itu dulu, huaaaa... wait for me next week, cardio kick...

to make the incident even worst, i'm a left handed... so i can't do much with my left hand now... hixhixhix...

images taken from www.gettyimages.com

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posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 9:47 AM


gaya baru cardio kick ya..
jurus mendarat timpang kangkang
tangan timpang kaki mengkangkang..

kuwalat luh..bu RT PIM jato di daerah jajahan..kekekeke

11:04 AM  

Makanya jangan kebanyakan gaya na hii..hii..hiii.. ya udah cepet sembuh ya.. kalo minggu depan nga sembuh juga kehilangan kesempatan ngeceng di celebrity fitness dech ;D

11:13 AM  

to blue_cat:
hahahha gw emang meng-invent jurus baru, trus skalian biar warga RT PIM ngeliat dari hasil rekaman cctv disana, damn...

to mba nuuii:
iya nich petakilan kebanyakan gaya...;p
thanx ya,mba...mudah2an next week dah bisa beraksi lagi...

11:21 AM  

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