::my dear diary::

Thursday, August 30, 2007

:: our 1st anniversary ::

setahun sudah
lewati bersama semua

gelak tawa...

derai tangis...

haru biru...

letupan emosi...

nyatanya cinta kita mampu
mengalahkan segalanya
mengajarkan kita banyak hal baru
cinta kasmaran...
sakit hati...

semua kejadian yang berlalu
semakin meyakinkan diriku melangkah
mampu jalani ini semua bersamamu
dengan bantuanNya yang indah

hingga saatnya nanti kita bersatu dalam janji kudus
untuk saling setia satu sama lain
dalam suka dan duka
waktu sehat maupun sakit
dalam untung dan malang
sampai maut memisahkan kita

percaya penuh
hanya Tuhan yang tahu mana yang terbaik
dan hanya waktu yang bisa menjawab semuanya

HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY, my beloved ay...


tadi malam ay-kuw ngasih memorable present ever on our 1st anniversary, sebuah video yang amat sangat sungguh touchy sekali... [sayang videonya 62MB so i can't share it here]
video itu berisi kata2 termanis dari ay-kuw plus foto-foto mengenang perjalanan 1 tahun kita, dengan back sound lagu dari Boyzone - Everyday I Love You...huhuhuuhu suasana seketika mengharu biru, air mata tak terbendung lagi, meleleh di pipi...
makasih ya,ay, dah bikin bunz nangis tersedu-sedu, ga nyangka ihh u'r truly romantic...T_T

I don't know but I believe
That some things are meant to be
And that you'll make a better me
Everyday I love you

I never thought that dreams came true

But you showed me that they do
You know that I learn somethng new
Everyday I love you

'Cos I believe that destiny

Is out of our control (don't you know that I do)
And you'll never live until you love
With all your heart and soul.

It's a touch when I feel bad

It's a smile when I get mad
All the little things I am
Everyday I love you
Everyday I love you boy
Everyday I love you

If I asked would you say yes?
Together we're the very best
I know that I am truly blessed
Everyday I love you
And I'll give you my best
Everyday I love you

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posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 10:09 PM 0 comments

Monday, August 27, 2007

tragedi malam hari di Ciputat Raya

lokasi : Ciputat Raya
waktu: pk 11.00 malam

dua kakak beradik hendak mampir ke mini mart untuk beli titipan, sekaligus beli 'makanan-sampah' [aka junk food]...lalu kejadian bermula...
Kakak (K): duh, males turun nich dah ngantuk...
Adik (A): ya udah, kak, aku aja yang beli makan, kakak yang ke mini mart...

(asumsi 1 : si adik punya uang untuk beli makan)

(K): udah gapapa dech, sekalian aja lah...
(asumsi 2 : si kakak punya duit lebih)

lalu turunlah mereka & belanja di mini mart... selesai membayar feeling si kakak dah ga enak...
(K): (dalam hati) kok cuma tinggal 10.000 ribu ya?! ahh kayanya ada 50.000 tadi... (sambil coba ngais2 di tumpukan bon2 dalam dompet)

sampailah mereka di depan kasir junk-food, te
rjadi sedikit drama ga penting...
mba2: malam, mo pesen apa mba?
(K): hmmm, si mama pesen apa ya?

(A): ga tau yang biasa aja lah, ayam 1 nasi 1

(K): ah kombo 1 aja dech

(A): tapi siapa yang mo minuman sodanya?

(K): hmm ya trus apa?! ya udah pesen ketengan aja... ya uda, mba, kalo gitu pesen ayam 2 nasi 1...

(A): sama tambah orange juice 1 ya,mba...

(pikirnya si mba2 busett pesen lama amat ya.. akhirnya...) okay, jadi totalnya 24.000, mba...
(K): [lohh kok tinggal 10.000 doank?! panik mode: on, tapi pasang tampang tenang] de, km ada uang ga?

(A): (rogoh dompet & kantong) wahh cuma 10.000, kak
(K): nah lo, kurang 4000,de... coba ambil di mobil, biasanya ada recehan

(bergegas lari ke mobil, cari2 sana-sini, kluar mobil dgn tampang panik sambil melambaikan tangan) ga ada,kak...
(K): waduhhh gimana donk... hmm mba, duit saya ktinggalan, apa ada ATM deket sini?

mba2: wahh ga ada, yg itu blm aktif...
(K): duhh gimana ya?! sorry, bisa di-cancel ga,mba?
mba2: duh ga bisa...
(K): yaaa trus gimana donk ya,mba... (tampang memelas mode: on)

setelah melalui pembicaraan yang alot, lalu si mba2 dengan berat hati manggil managernya trus mereka disuruh cuci piring... [hahahhaa ga denk...] akhirnya bisa di-cancel... fiuhhh lega...
(K): ya udah,mba, orange juicenya aja yang di-cancel
mba2: (ketak-ketik-ketak-ketik) ya semua jadi 19.000
fiuhhhh... dengan leganya membayar dengan 20.000 dapet kembalian pula...
(K): duh makasih ya, mba, sorry ngrepotin...

whuaaaa malunyaaa, udah mesennya lama pake acara diskusi panjang dulu di depan kasir, ehhh ga bisa bayar gara2 minta tambah orange juice, padahal kan kalo dari awal cuma mesen main course aja ga bakal ketauan kalo dompet kosong...huhuuhuhuhu sungguh terlalu...

moral cerita:
- pastikan dompet ada uangnya sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli apapun
- kalau transaksi terakhir nominal terakhir di dompet dah minim, mendingan buru2 ke ATM dech
- kalau kejadian kaya cerita diatas, pastikan pasang wajah memelas nan ayu dan mata berbinar2 [kaya puss in boots di shrek 2] dijamin pasti hati penjualnya luluh...


posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 10:01 AM 0 comments

Thursday, August 23, 2007

when you're gone, i miss you...

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
I never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
They lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were

All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me

-------------- a song by Avril Laveigne----------------

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posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 1:27 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

the trouble with love is

Love can be a many splendored thing
Can't deny the joy it brings
A dozen roses, diamond rings
Dreams for sale and fairy tales
It'll make you hear a symphony
And you just want the world to see
But like a drug that makes you blind,
It'll fool ya every time
The trouble with love is
It can tear you up inside
Make your heart believe a lie
It's stronger than your pride

The trouble with love is
It doesn't care how fast you fall
And you can't refuse the call
See, you got no say at all
Now I was once a fool, it's true
I played the game by all the rules
But now my world's a deeper blue
I'm sadder, but I'm wiser too
I swore I'd never love again
I swore my heart would never mend
Said love wasn't worth the pain
But then I hear it call my name

Every time I turn around
I think I've got it all figured out
My heart keeps callin' and I keep on fallin'
Over and over again
This sad story always ends the same
Me standin' in the pourin' rain
It seems no matter what I do
It tears my heart in two

------------------- a song by Kely Clarkson ---------------------

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posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 3:01 PM 0 comments

Monday, August 20, 2007

inisiasi menyusu dini

hmm lagi iseng2 baca blog seseorang di suatu sore... dan ga sengaja nemu info menarik yang relatif baru n rasanya belum terlalu banyak [terutama para calon ibu] yang aware akan hal ini... mengenai tema dari pekan ASI sedunia tahun ini adalah Inisiasi Menyusu Dini; menyelamatkan 1 juta Bayi.
Temen2 yang mau melahirkan, atau kamu2 yang punya teman yang mau melahirkan, sebarkan deh berita ini. Faktanya, kalau semua melakukan inisiasi menyusu dini ini, satu juta bayi akan terselamatkan. Ternyata bayi umur satu jam sudah memiliki survival instinct. Nggak ada bedanya sama kucing atau marmot.. kitapun sudah diberikan kemampuan mencari sumber kehidupan. Kan kucing atau marmot lahir nggak pake bidan.
Kalau kamu ingin tahu prosesnya secara step by step, ibu Utami memberikan list dibawah ini:
  1. Anjurkan suami atau keluarga mendampingi ibu saat melahirkan yang tepat, sensitif dan mendukung ibu
  2. Sarankan untuk mempergunakan cara yang tidak mempergunakan obat kimiawi dalam menolong ibu saat melahirkan ( pijat, aroma therapi dsb)
  3. Biarkan ibu menentukan cara dan posisi melahirkan
  1. Keringkan bayi secepatnya tanpa menghilangkan vernix yang menyamankan kulit bayi
  2. Tengkurupkan bayi di dada atau perut ibu dengan kulit bayi melekat pada kulit ibu. Selimuti keduanya. Kalau perlu menggunakan topi bayi
  3. BIARKAN BAYI MENCARI PUTING SUSU IBU SENDIRI . Ibu dapat merangsang bayi dengan sentuhan lembut. Bila perlu ibu boleh mendekatkan bayi pada puting tapi JANGAN MEMAKSAKAN bayi ke puting susu
  4. Biarkan bayi dalam posisi kulit bersentuhan dg kulit ibu sampai proses menyusu pertama selesai
  5. Ibu melahirkan dg proses operasi berikan kesempatan skin to skin contact
  6. Bayi dipisahkan dari ibu untuk ditimbang, diukur, dicap, SETELAH MENYUSU DINI selesai. Tunda prosedur yang invasive
  7. Hindarkan pemberian minuman pre-laktal
i think it's nice to share this info, walopun aku belom masuk ke fase sejauh ini, even menikah pun belom, hehehe tapi cari tahu sah2 aja kan?!itung2 preparation, halahhh...
enjoy, yummy mommy & happy daddy...


posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 4:36 PM 0 comments

Thursday, August 16, 2007

oh yes, betrayal is really hurts... T_T

On the fourth day after His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, Jesus Christ said to His disciples, "You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of man will be delivered up to be crucified."
On this day, which in our reckoning was Wednesday, the chief priests, scribes, and elders of the people gathered in the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas, and took counsel together in order to arrest Jesus Christ by stealth and kill Him; but not during the feast, as there were many people gathered. They did not want a tumult among the people.
One of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, was very greedy for money and the teachings of Christ had not corrected his spirit. He went to the chief priests and said, "What will you give me if I deliver Him to you?" They were glad and promised him thirty pieces of silver.
From that moment, Judas sought an opportunity to betray Jesus Christ in the absence of the people.

Judas' Betrayal (Luke 21:37 - 22:6)

[37] Each day Jesus was teaching at the temple, and each evening he went out to spend the night on the hill called the Mount of Olives, [38] and all the people came early in the morning to hear him at the temple.

[1] Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was approaching, [2] and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus, for they were afraid of the people. [3] Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. [4] And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. [5] They were delighted and agreed to give him money. [6] He consented, and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present.

What Lessons Does Judas' Betrayal Teach Us as Disciples?

To me, Judas is a very sober example of how a good disciple can go bad.

  1. His betrayal is hidden from his closest associates. I find it interesting that though the Apostle John is aware of Judas' weakness for money and theft (John 12:6), he doesn't know who the betrayer is until Jesus tells him. All the disciples had weaknesses and patterns of sin -- that's how sinful humans are. So that Judas has a recurrent sin is no indication to anyone that he is a betrayer. It is possible for you and I to betray Jesus in our heart without anyone knowing. Except Jesus. Jesus knows.
  2. Judas' sin ruins him -- and others. It makes him vulnerable to the seducing voice of Satan. Our sins can ruin us, too. And, very possibly, those around us whom we love.
  3. Is it I? We'll look at this further, but the disciples at the Last Supper don't know who will betray Jesus, and each wonders if it might be himself? Each of us has in us the seeds of betrayal. We must be vigilant.
  4. Even Jesus has one of his leaders turn against him. Sometimes as Christian leaders we castigate ourselves when one of our leaders turns against us. What did I do wrong? we ask. But even Jesus had this happen. Yes, good leadership is important, but the root of failure lies within the person, not necessarily the leader.

(taken from this articles)


Father, have mercy upon all of us. Forgive us our sins and purge us of them, lest they cause us to betray you. Give us the grace of repentance. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

(dedicated to everyone out there whose been betrayed by the one they loved...
oh yes, betrayal is really hurts... God, please give us strength... T_T)

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posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 10:34 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

would u be......???

di keheningan malam sang lelaki memeluk erat sang perempuan & membisikkan kata termanis yang pernah didengar...
lelaki: "i love you...would you be my wife,dear...."
perempuan: "hah?"

sang lelaki melepas pelukannya dan menggenggam tangan sang perempuan, sembari menyematkan cincin di jari manis kiri sang perempuan & mencium tangannya dengan lembut, sang lelaki berkata...
lelaki: "yes, dear, would you be my wife & the mom from our children...?"
perempuan: -----------

dalam kesunyian kata-kata dengan linangan air mata haru, sang perempuan balas memeluk erat & menjawab....
perempuan: "yes, darl, i do..."
lelaki: " you do?! oh,dear, i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you..."
perempuan: "me too, darl, you know i need you more than anything..."

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posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 10:45 AM 2 comments

Thursday, August 02, 2007


pantesan mood minggu ini berantakan banget...
pantesan nongol jerawat di muka....
pantesan jadi doyan makan...
pantesan semalem perut kembung...
pantesan pagi ini feeling mengatakan untuk pake bawahan item...

ternyata..... 'pintu air' bulanan jebol....
hehehe... (",)


posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 1:35 PM 0 comments