::my dear diary::
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
christmas eve on St.Stefanus church 241206
Labels: celebration
Happy Mother's Day 221206
Tak ada kata-kata yang mampu mengungkapkan arti seorang mama...
Betapa berartinya seorang mama bagi kami...
Perempuan terhebat yang pernah kami miliki...
Satu yang pasti, WE LOVE YOU,MOM...
-iNa, Armand & Nico-
...teriring sebuah rangkaian bunga untuk mama Sari n mama Ani...
Labels: celebration
Thursday, December 14, 2006
yayy lucky us...
the story begins with the existence of 4 'HP' bag packs which creates such an euphoria in my office...hihihihihi...
tak disangka tak dinyana... undian dibagi 2 session, the 1st one called "Candy Counting" yaitu maen tebak2an brapa banyak permen yang ada di toples n ternyata dengan menebak just based on my lucky number yaitu 3... i guess 53 ehh close enough with the actual quantity that is 54... di undian pertama ini gw n mba putri menang... then undian ke2 dikocok layaknya arisan n tnyata mba yelli n shanti yang menang...
then here's the lucky winners...
"yayyy how lucky we are... fortune goddess is on our side..."
Labels: mood of the day
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
why r u late?? so cliché : traffic jam
as i always go to work at 06.30 am with my mom/dad/bro (could be anyone whose goin to Central Jkt) n took TransJakarta into nearest shelter to my office...
Since the traffic was over loaded with those cars, now i have to go at 06.00 am at the latest(so i don't get stuck in traffic)... n not to forget now i have to arrive at 07.30 am on 'Masjid Agung' busway shelter coz the arrival shelter in Karet has been moved into SeKar (meminjam istilah rekan sekerja) so dgn kata lain jarak tempuh ke kantor lbh takes time lagi...
since kejadian hari Jumat lalu dimana mesti brangkat kantor sendiri n alhasil gw (tumben2an) dateng paling pagi di kantor...gw melakukan sedikit analisa n now i think i have a new theory:
06 am (+) wreckless driver (+) 75000 IDR (-) busway thingy = arrived 07.30 am
(-) have 2 go earlier n apa kabar dgn 3 in 1 ?!
4. pindah rumah ;p
(+) ga pusing mikirin plus minus yg disebut diatas
(-) gilee ngarep bgt bs beli tanah di daerah tengah kota hari gini...
sighhh...what an unsolved mystery... the mystery of traffic jam that drives me crazy...
hopefully as time goes by there's another alternative...
psstt denger2 gosip mo ada SUBWAY dari Lebak Bulus... setelah didengar lbh lanjut baru mulai beroperasi 2014 (pake insya allah pula) ya ampyunnnn pusing dech...
Labels: mood of the day
Monday, December 11, 2006
outing to Dufan 08 Dec 06
abis nunggu temen2 ngantri n maen "Ontang-anting" plus "Halilintar"... blm maen apa2 nich yg penting bgaya...hehehehe...nah kita rame2 bpose dulu (teuteuppp) sebelum makan di McD...
maen "Burung Tempur" nich akhirnya ada yg mo nemenin... hehehehe maenan cupu... ;p
ke "Istana Boneka" nich...seru2an foto didalem euy... look at me being an angel...hoohohohoho
hmm now the madness begin, i challenge myself to take this ride "Kora-kora", wow i was shaking up there n mual tak terkira... alhasil jadi tdk menikmati acara selanjutnya... sumpahhh ga lagi2 dech naek ini, gilaa kalo bisa dah minta turun tuch pas mulai dari ayunan ke3...tp apa daya i have to "enjoy" the ride till it stop...
abis itu pada naek "Bianglala" dah ga brani ikutan takut makin mual...wah kacau dech malam itu jadinya... langsung pulang dianterin mba Ria sampe Sarinah disana aykuw sudah menanti n langsung dianterin pulang... hohohoho abis dipijetin bentar plus diolesin minyak angin baru enakan n bs bobo nyenyakkkk... tengkyu ya,ay...
STOP PRESS: waduh dimanakah topiku berada??? hixhixhix it's gone...padahal baru 1x pake...whuaaaa...
Labels: hang out
Monday, December 04, 2006
sweet home Semarang (02-03 Dec 06)
then after had a 50 minutes trip, we're arrived on Semarang at 2 pm... suddenly my aunt ask me to become guest book reception "oh no i was so not ready"... but then she 'kidnapped' me head into the salon to do make-up & hair-do, then in 1,5 hrs i was transformed into this beautiful lady (narciss mode : ON)... the international wedding party was held on a Club House with semi-outdoor concept... it was nice n went properly without any major problems...
** the other photos will be updated asap **
wow it's been a long time i haven't went home to Semarang, the city that become the 'silent witness' of my birth on Elizabeth hospital... i really miss this moment... hixhixhix longing for another family reunion like this... but unfortunately my flight to Jakarta was at 2 pm, so we have to get hurry... we've a short trip in the morning to buy some foods ala Semarang (Bandeng Presto, Wingko Babat, Enting2, Lendre Pisang, etc) then pack our bag n rush in to the airport...
hmm what a nice short trip to Semarang, my home sweet home... miss you all so much, my cousins, aunts, uncles & Eyang Darman... hope we can see each other as often as possible... okay then cu all in d next wedding... (hmm wonder whose wedding it will be???)
Labels: vacation