14:26:47flyingtwinkle says:
iya, mas armand kya bensin...lsg nyamber walopun br kenal... 14:26:48flyingtwinkle says:
klo kya gtu kan, qta jd gak ribet kan...krn pasangan tw bgmn menempatkan diri...gak perlu qta yg bimbing...saling aj gtu lho...
14:27:02I say:
hahhahaha bensin!
14:27:19I say:
iya kl dia bensin gw jd pjaga SPBU, supaya bensinnya ga bocor kmana2 [alias celamitan] n diambil sembarang orang krn aset negara [alias digebet orang]
14:27:46flyingtwinkle says:
in one lazy afternoon i had this short conversation with my co-worker, it made me realize how grateful i am to have him now...
hmmm yes dear, i know we've argued a lot, cause we're 2 completely-different persons, but you kow what? that's why we're destined to complete each other...
gosh! really is, God's way is amazing! we just have to walk thru HIS path, let HIM do the rest & HE will guide us... Labels: mood of the day