::my dear diary::

Monday, April 09, 2007

dachshund puppies of my own

yeayyyy...happy me, happy me... i got a couple of dachshund puppies from my friend... actually i was planning to adopt the male puppy only, but when i saw how they're getting along, & gosh! i can't resist it, they're so darn cute & so fragile...
but they need special treatment coz mereka cacingan krn makannya terlalu rakus, so alhasil perutnya dah kaya mo meletuszz, pdhl badannya kurus, pokoknya culun bgt kaya anak busung lapar... jadilah hrs jd perawat buat 2 anak kembarku yg baru ini...hehehehe...udah dikasih obat cacing, nah malemnya muncur2 dech si cewe, tp yg cowo bandel, obatnya malah (sorry) dimuntahin lagi... ugh bandelll... sptnya hrs di-inep-in dulu di klinik nich spy bs lbh intensif skalian vaksinasi...

hmm sulitnya kembali punya bayi, kembar pula, kembali melewati masa2 intensive care itu, which makes me have to sleep late & wake up early... but anyway, i love being a parent for them, with all the risks & consequences...

finally Milky got a new bro & sis (paket komplit)... hopefully they will getting along, coz Milky is such a jealous girl... relax, Milky, u'r still n always be my baby girl... hmm karena sifat jealous-nya & ngeliat betapa fragile-nya the puppies, so i have to put them in separated places, Milky kembali ke balkon atas & puppies di daerah kekuasaan Milky selama ini, yaitu backyard...
tapi dasar bukan si Milky kalo ga ngasih PR buat mamanya, pintu atas dirusak sama Milky digigit2 sampe bolong seukuran dia, gosh!... alhasil si papa baru (aykuw ikutan jadi ortu angkat) nambal pintu dulu, getok2 paku tengah malem... hmm sabar ya,ay, maklum si anak manja...
ughhhhh menggemaskan sekali, td pagi sebelum aku mandi, maen2 puppies dulu skalian ganti alas tidur mereka... skrg di kantor kepikiran mereka melulu... kangen kangen kangennnn sangat...
btw i haven't got any names for the new puppies,
actually their big family names started with B : Brenda, Bruce, Bolly, B----, Baby, Boy... hmm should i give them the B name also?! or other cute names...
have any suggestion??


posted by NaR3Lz@Ta at 9:50 AM


dah dibilang.. namanya teki n keli.. singkat padat jelas dan lucu kan...

2:46 PM  

hei, i got their names...
Bono & Bambi...

10:50 AM  

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